
We energize your team in materializing Requirement to software products. Engineering being our core strength our team comes with indepth industry and domain experience making us the key piece of the puzzle to solve cross domain and stack issue of System Solutions.

Embedded Devices

Our team specializes in supporting device full stack development, device drivers, Linux kernel devices, IoT devices, RTOS device and Non-OS device on physical chips and FPGA-emluated chip architectures.


With IC and EV both reaching efficiency level and safety and control being the primary concern, Our team specializes on working on world class designs and solutions of the future

Applications and Cloud

We specialize in supporting standalone applications and deployment of services in cloud platforms

Get in Touch

We are in Indian Silicon Valley

Find us at the office

Adviken Techno labs Pvt Ltd
Padmalaya, Deepa hospital road,
Vinayaka Layout, K.R.Puram,
Bengaluru - 560036

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